Agreement Between Accountant and Client: Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to running a business, having a trusted accountant can be one of the most valuable assets you can have. They are responsible for keeping track of your finances, ensuring that you comply with tax laws, and providing financial advice that can help you grow your business.

However, to ensure that the relationship between an accountant and their client is smooth, a formal agreement outlining the terms and expectations is necessary. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about an agreement between accountant and client.

What is an Agreement Between Accountant and Client?

An agreement between an accountant and client is a formal document that outlines the terms and conditions of their working relationship. It is a legally binding agreement that protects both parties, especially when it comes to issues such as confidentiality, fees, and responsibilities.

This agreement serves as a reference point for both the accountant and the client, and it ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding expectations and responsibilities. It also helps to prevent misunderstandings that may arise during the course of the working relationship.

What are the Key Elements of an Agreement Between Accountant and Client?

1. Scope of Services

The agreement should clearly define the scope of services that the accountant will provide. This includes a description of the accounting services, the frequency of the service, and any limitations on the services provided.

2. Fees

The agreement should outline the fees for the services that the accountant will provide. It should specify whether the fees are hourly, flat, or contingency-based. It should also include any additional fees or expenses that may arise during the course of the engagement.

3. Confidentiality

The agreement should address the confidentiality of the information that the accountant will be handling. It should specify that the accountant is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the client`s financial information and that they will not disclose this information to anyone without the client`s consent.

4. Responsibilities

The agreement should clearly define the responsibilities of both the accountant and the client. The client`s responsibilities may include providing the necessary financial information, paying fees on time, and complying with tax laws. The accountant`s responsibilities may include preparing financial statements, providing tax advice, and responding to client inquiries.

5. Termination

The agreement should outline the process for termination of the relationship between the accountant and the client. It should specify the notice period required, whether fees will be refunded, and any other relevant details.


An agreement between accountant and client is essential for maintaining a healthy and productive working relationship. It protects both parties, establishes clear expectations, and provides a reference point for dispute resolution.

If you are in need of accounting services, make sure you work with a reputable accountant who is willing to formalize the relationship with a written agreement. This will help you avoid misunderstandings and ensure that you receive the services and support you need to grow your business.